Unlock Instant Process Insights: QPR ProcessAnalyzer Now on Snowflake Marketplace
We’re excited to announce that QPR ProcessAnalyzer is now available on the Snowflake Marketplace. As the only process mining software worldwide with native...
QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.2 makes defining the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) fun and easy with the new ChartView Filters functionality. Other major improvement include improved search for projects and models in QPR UI as well as the compatibility with Microsoft Excel 2019. And as icing on the cake we launch the new QPR ProcessAnalyzer Training Video Library with more than 20 training videos to help you become a process mining champion in a few hours!
With new ChartView 2019.2 everybody can make business relevant KPI measures and charts within minutes! Improvements include:
Multiple KPIs in the same chart with different right & left axis definitions. Picture below shows Case Count using left axis and median case duration using right axis:
ChartView Filters focusing the analysis to relevant cases and flows. The chart below shows
As the specific chart view filters we have used:
Well...how does this whole setup work? The great news is that this is all covered by the flexible QPR UI with a few clicks. This is the 3-component KPI Designer with settings for General, Measures and Dimensions.
The new Filter settings are easily controlled with the additional Edit Filter functionality:
QPR ProcessAnalyzer is compatible with enterprise level process mining with advanced user administration, process mining model management and folders. In 2019.2 we added a new quick search for easily finding the relevant process model directly from the main analysis title bar. Key functionalities visible in the picture below contain:
In addition to providing a quick list of project and models for selection purposes the list gives easy access to model information with the (i) button on the right. It is possible to customize the info screen and by default it shows the information below:
QPR ProcessAnalyzer is the only process mining tool in the market with native Microsoft Excel add-on client. This integration gives every business analyst the choice of extending their process mining analysis with familiar Microsoft Excel functionalities and delivering the enhanced results to others as Excel files, email attachments and Sharepoint sites. Supported Excel versions now include MS Excel 2019, 2016, 2013 and 2010.
QPR ProcessAnalyzer Training Videos turn any process mining beginner to a process mining champion capable of conducting high-quality process analysis and findings with root causes. Example videos include:
Getting started: How to log in
Process Discovery: Flowchart analysis, Duration Analysis, Profiling Case Analysis, Event Type Analysis, Case Analysis, Event Analysis, Creating Filters
Process Analysis: Influence Analysis for Case Attributes, Influence Analysis for Flowchart, Conformance Analysis, Conformance Analysis with Model Autocreation, How to create a basic dashboard
Click here to access the training videos! :)
We are super excited about QPR ProcessAnalyzer 2019.2 and are eager to hear your comments!
Check out the recording of our release webinar to learn more!
Best regards,
Dr. Teemu Lehto, holding a Ph.D. in process mining, has spent more than two decades advancing the field of Digital Twin of an Organization (DTO). Teemu has helped hundreds of companies achieve unprecedented visibility into their business operations throughout his career. With a passion for this field, Teemu’s mission is to empower organizations to make data-driven decisions, optimize processes, and discover untapped potential within their businesses.
We’re excited to announce that QPR ProcessAnalyzer is now available on the Snowflake Marketplace. As the only process mining software worldwide with native...
QPR Software's decision to power its process mining solution with the Snowflake Data Cloud has recently received a warm welcome in the US market. This...
In today’s data-driven world, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to optimize their operations. Process mining stands out as a transformative...
What would you do if you had a digital replica of your business operations? Imagine being able to peer into every corner of your organization, analyze...
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Identifying inefficiencies, risks, and automation opportunities with process mining
“With QPR ProcessAnalyzer, we were able to analyze the process in 2-3 hours instead of three weeks“
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