Process Management

Turn your organization into a smooth-running operation

When business process management is done right, it makes process optimization a breeze and even improves competitiveness. QPR elevates your average business process management to goal-oriented process excellence, ensuring that the entire organization works together seamlessly.

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We can help you

Light blue circle icon with a one in the middle

Analyze and optimize your processes when facing change 

Dark blue circle icon with a two in the middle

Succeed in business transformation

Grey circle icon with a three in the middle

Understand how your business processes run and perform  

Orange circle icon with a four in the middle

Identify and plan where and how you can improve

Process management the QPR way

Process management supports decision makingreduces process deviations, and the need for intervention. We take process management to the next level, and here is how we make it special. 

Goal-oriented business process management

To meet desired business outcomes, your business processes must be designed and executed with an eye on the goal. With QPR’s tools and methods, you keep your processes aligned with strategy and your employees informed of your process guidelines. 

First-hand experience in designing better ways of working

QPR has first-hand experience in solving the direst process management challenges with solutions consisting of consulting, software, or both. Our consulting experience drives our software development, and our software enhances our solutions – and customer satisfaction. 

Our solutions come in different forms

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Become proficient in process management

We can guide you in building your process management capabilities in-house or lend you our process consultants’ helping hands in getting the work done. 

Outsource your process management office to us

Focus on your core business and let us take over your processes. Enjoy the benefits of us continuously developing your operations. 

Customized training and coaching

We offer customized training and coaching to specified target groups to promote process thinking. We cover everything from process management for beginners to mentoring more experienced professionals. 

Specialized process management: Lean, agile, process mining, and process auditing

Our expertise extends to specialized process management solutions, such as lean-agile process development. And we have the tools and knowledge to extract your current processes from your operational systems data. 

Process-based management solutions

Leverage your process models to build a Quality Management System (QMS) or a customized Integrated Management System (IMS). These management systems are built based on our QPR software. 

Quality Management System

Use QPR ProcessDesigner to model processes, roles, and responsibilities. Integrate our software with your document management system (e.g., Microsoft SharePoint) and link relevant policies, procedures, and templates directly to process models. Define and monitor quality KPIs, and export customized quality reports.


Integrated Management System

Improve operational efficiency and quality by making process guidelines available to all. Transparently communicate organizational strategy, goals, and how every employee can contribute. Supports new employee induction and enhances collective understanding.

Software for support

QPR software is developed based on real customer cases and needs. We have the tools to model and design business processes, monitor process performance, automatically extract your current processes using your operational systems data, and much more.

QPR ProcessDesigner

Process management is essential for successful business operations, which is why the QPR ProcessDesigner was designed for the business user. The quick modeling mode makes designing easy and practical, while more sophisticated features allow for relation analyses and graphical customizations.

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QPR BusinessPortal

Our new tool for communicating process guidelines to all employees. Decrypts process models, swimlanes, and other cryptic symbols to business-friendly content by providing a new way of looking at your operations using modern and intuitive UX features. Perfect for new employee induction and for providing process and quality guidelines.

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QPR Metrics

QPR’s performance management tool for fast and accurate KPIs and dashboards. Add your measures, create your dashboards, and integrate measures with process models.

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QPR EnterpriseArchitect

If you want to complement your process models with more detailed descriptions of information flows, application portfolios, and the technologies used, extend to enterprise architecture modeling.

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QPR ProcessAnalyzer

With our patented process mining technology, gain insight into your processes with pinpoint accuracy, so you know exactly what to change to improve the way your business runs.

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Want to learn more?

Please get in touch with us - we'd love to help!