QPR Career Stories
Meet Samuel Rinnetmäki, Director of Consulting at QPR
After working for nearly 15 years as Development Manager at the Finnish Centre for pensions, Samuel Rinnetmäki figured it was time to gain a wider perspective of organizations and their challenges. Having been a client of QPR himself, he knew this was the go-to company for leading names in Enterprise Architecture.Therefore, starting his consulting career at QPR seemed like a natural step into the world of IT consulting. Besides Enterprise Architecture, Samuel has helped clients with everything from high-level strategy work to individual benefit-cost analyses for new services and digitization ideas.
With a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a master’s degree in leadership, Samuel has felt at home leading the consultancy function at QPR Software for the past few months. His favorite part of consulting has always been working with customers, learning from them, and helping them find the right solutions for their specific challenges. Leading the consulting function, Samuel now gets to do the same for his consulting unit. Helping the teams succeed and providing support has been a key motivator for him.
When Samuel’s hectic workdays are over or the weekend arrives, family time begins. Some of his free time Samuel devotes to scouting, both in a local group and in the Finnish umbrella organization, The Guides and Scouts of Finland. During summer he finds joy in sailing in the Finnish archipelago and beyond on his co-owned catamaran. We asked Samuel how he got into sailing - he looked up and laughed:
“One summer night, I was out with a friend who convinced me to go sailing with him the next day. Funny enough, the sailing trip turned out to be a three-day long Offshore race – the Finnish championships. Luckily, I had just enough time to go and buy myself a pair of rubber boots and a vest before the race began.”

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