QPR Career Stories

Meet Lassi Uusitalo, Business Development Specialist at QPR

Two years ago, Lassi Uusitalo was looking for new opportunities and decided to take a wild chance and post his CV openly on LinkedIn. Long story short, QPR spotted his post, and a perfect match was made. 

Business Development Specialist Lassi loves problem-solving and understanding the truth behind any subject. Provide him with a complex problem and he will gladly take it on – complex problems often lead to insightful solutions. This quality also draws him to process mining. “Numbers always tell a story, it’s just a matter of interpretation. With process mining, you can drill down to the truth behind any story.” Lassi explains.  

At QPR, Lassi enjoys teaching and educating customers about our process mining software, QPR ProcessAnalyzer. He develops different solutions, solves customer queries, creates training materials, and acts as technical support. Enabling clients to embrace the full extent of the process mining methodology motivates him to work at his full potential.  

During off-hours, Lassi enjoys socializing and playing on his PlayStation. He gives a lot of his free time to NGO work and currently holds positions on the boards of his local Rotaract organization as well as a student alumni organization.

Lassi loves asking tricky questions – whenever no one has a question lined up, you can count on Lassi. His first question to new CEO Jussi Vasama was: “If you could be any character from any book or tv series, what would it be?”  Of course, we had to throw this question back at Lassi now. His answer: Geralt of Rivia, the protagonist of the Witcher series. 


“As a Business Development Specialist, I get to work with real processes, real customers, and real data. The most fun part about process mining is showing the results to customers and seeing the surprise on their faces"

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