QPR Career Stories
Meet Alexandra Bondarenko, Channel Sales Manager at QPR
Our Channel Sales Manager Alexandra Bondarenko has worked at QPR for 9 years. Her almost decade-long career includes a climb up the corporate ladder from intern to manager as well as a move from Moscow to Helsinki, Finland.
Back in 2013, Alexandra started as an intern while she was pursuing her master’s degree in mathematics. QPR soon suggested that she would come to Finland for a year-long ‘business trip’: “7 years later, I’m still here” Alexandra laughs.
What made her stay at QPR for so long? Her answer brings us back to her first moments of landing at Helsinki-Vantaa airport, when fellow QPR employee Virpi Taimela was waiting for her at the arrivals hall and took her to her apartment after a quick pit-stop at IKEA. Alexandra is grateful for the help she received when settling down in Finland as an expatriate and the continuous support she has gotten ever since.
Alexandra has also been given the opportunity to try out different tasks and roles at work. She keeps learning both through her own work and from mentors and colleagues. With her background in Mathematics (with a layer of Economics), she has been eager to learn all tips and tricks related to process mining and help customers and partners gain the most value from the technology. She enjoys working with partners – all the way from the recruitment stage to ongoing collaborations.
Life in Finland has turned her into a downhill-skiing nature-enthusiast. She likes to challenge herself – body and mind. She has set up a goal to hike in all national parks in Finland and uses biohacking methods to stay in shape for her hikes and hopefully live until she is 100 years old.
For anyone considering a career in Finland, Alexandra gives the following advice: “Don’t have doubts, try to learn Finnish, and come work at QPR while you’re learning!”

“Because of my data-driven mindset and background in mathematics, I've found it exciting to master process mining and help customers and partners gain the most value out of the technology."
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